Voce mea ad Dominum

Random thoughts from an amateur theologist.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


She said to them, “They have taken my Lord, and I don’t know where they laid him.” When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus there, but did not know it was Jesus. - John 20:13b-14

In the resurrection narrative of the Gospel according to St. John we see the real St. Mary Magdalene, a woman devoted and faithful to her Lord to the end. She was not married to Jesus, and she certainly didn't bear his children as is portrayed in a popular piece of modern fiction.

The scene here is first and foremost the resurrection of the Lord, but there is an interesting subplot going on as well. St. Mary Magdalene is at the tomb to annoint the body of Jesus when she finds the empty tomb, and she weeps in despair that he is gone. She even turns around and sees him standing there but doesn't recognize him. All of that changes when Jesus says one simple word, "Mary!"

St. Mary Magdalene recognizes Jesus when he calls her by name. She then clings to him in joy and adoration. Jesus admonishes her to not cling to him but to go to the disciples and tell them all that she has seen. She is transformed from a follower of Christ to the first witness of the resurrection. She is the first to receive the commission to spread the good news that the tomb is empty and the Lord is risen.

All Christians experience this scene. We truly recognize Jesus only when he calls our name. In our initial joy we want to stay put and bask in the warmth of the experience of the risen Lord, but he admonishes us to go and spread the good news. This is the great commission which comes to us from the Lord through the Church who received this from the Apostles who received it from a simple woman named Mary.

Alleluia! Surrexit Christus! Alleluia!


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